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Define Supplemental Index

Google has two indexes: The Main Index and The Supplemental Index. The Supplemental Index is an area where there are pages that Google had difficulty: completely indexing, the page is "stale", or a variety of other issues. You can also look at the Supplemental Index as the last "holding ground" for a page before it gets dumped from the index completely.

How can you tell if your site has pages listed in the Supplemental Index? Here’s a Google hack that works as of the moment: *** -view

Make sure you have a space before and after the three asterisks. If the hack isn't working, you have to drill down to the end of the site list (, and any pages in the Supplemental Index will have in green "Supplemental Result" listed.

Supplemental Index is NOT the Google Sandbox that new sites get thrown into. This is something completely different and sites young and old get pages thrown into the Supplemental Index, even we get pages in there. And it isn't always on purpose.

Supplemental Index can have top ranking. There are many cases where a Supplemental Index page has the #1 listing. So, if sites can still rank #1 and be in the Supplemental Index, why get out?
