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Free Wordtracker Keywords

The Free Wordtracker Keywords generate up to 100 related keywords and an estimate of their daily search volume. But, the adult terms have been removed from the results.

Visit the Free Keyword Suggestion Tool from Wordtracker.

Here is the formula Wordtracker used to estimate the daily search volume for any given keyword:


A = Number of times keyword appears in the Wordtracker database

B = Total number of keywords in the Wordtracker database

C = Estimated total number of daily queries on all search engines*

D = Estimated daily volume of searches for the keyword

(A / B) x C = D

So for a keyword that appears 9,000 times in the Wordtracker database, this is the number of daily searches that they predict:


A = 9,000

B = 319.4 million

C = 563.4 million*

D = 15,873 daily searches


(9,000 / 319.4 million) x 563.4 million = 15,873 daily searches

Every day, on average, Wordtracker collects about 3.55 million search terms from and, who according to account for 0.63% of searches across all engines. By combining these two figures, Wordtracker estimates that the total daily searches across all engines is 563.4 million.

If you are using Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox 2, you can add the Wordtracker Keywords search to your browser.

Click here to install to your browser now!
